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Here is another quote from Fr. Zacharias' book, "RememberThy First Love.."

"Our entire struggle in this life is aimed at discovering our 'deep heart' , because that is the place where God manifests Himself. Above all, we aim to uproot the passion of pride, because this is the passion that buries the heart, leaving us feeling as if we no longer had a heart. 'Pride stops us from loving', says St. Silouan. Indeed true love proceeds from humility, for the humble man has room in his heart for God and for his fellow-men. As long as we are proud, we will be separated from our heart; We will live according to our little minds, totally missing the ultimate purpose of our coming into this life, and will end up as dry leaves blown aimlessly by the wind. If, however, we succeed in finding our deep heart, then our mind will drop anchor not only in the heart, but also in the depths of heaven where our life is 'hid with Christ in God'. And God will come and make his abode in us."

So, my life's most important purpose and work is not my priesthood nor escaping hell, nor any other works - as important as they are - but rather to become, in the deepest center of my soul, the abode of God. God's target, Fr. Sophrony says, is my heart, so He can dwell there in peace and profound love. Even if it takes a lifetime, and costs me dearly, what tops being some day in the intimacy of the Trinity.....hidden with Christ in God?

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