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I have received a number of emails asking what prayers to use for the dead. I will tell you what I have come to practice, but there are many other prayers, and it is best to discern which prayers bring an inner affirmation by the Holy Spirit. Just know that the disposition of your heart is more important to God than the words are. Avoid prayers that "have never been known to fail". Prayer isn't magic. Really, a prayer with few words but much love goes straight to God's heart like an arrow...

1) Holy Mass : for all deceased from all the ages, for all in my books of names, and for some

specific people who have just died, remembering these latter by name. I do this at

any Mass I attend or celebrate or concelebrate.

2) Daily Rosary: Usually I use the 15 mysteries of the Byzantine version of St. Seraphim of Sarov. At other times I use our regular Western rosary. Intentions are the same as in number one above.

3) Alms: Given as the Holy Spirit moves me. Always the intention is for someone Mary chooses who never in this life shared with the poor, dismissing Jesus' teaching as bleeding heart hype. Often the one the Holy Spirit points out for an alms will seem unworthy. Do not be the judge of that if you are sure the Spirit is nudging you.

I give special attention to suicides. Before I retired I offered them up at every Mass for a year - by name as a private intention before Mass. Now I put their names in my books and still they are in my daily prayers but not by name.

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