So many themes come to mind with this mystery, making it a wonderful Text for meditation! The icon shows the bride and groom at the table of feasting, surrounded by family and friends. Jesus and some disciples are there as well as Mary, who is talking to him. "They have no wine." The very first thing I thought about on seeing this icon was the 12 year old Jesus saying to her, "Did you not know I must be about my Father's business?" I could just hear her telling him (when he said his time had not yet come), "You must be about your Father's business!" He then worked the miracle and the Gospel says his Disciples believed on him...this first miracle launched his public ministry! The collaboration of Mary with Jesus' mission and her own mission of powerful intercession are immortalized here. Did the Son of God need his mother to push him into doing his Father's work? Of course not. But God always gave her a part to play in the drama of our redemption. And he gives us parts as well, making us collaborators with God in the Divine work of salvation - our own, and that of our "neighbor." We too must be about our Father's business...